Friday, July 28, 2023


Every day brings new hope in our life and change is the name of life. Today, in the annals of world history the important events happened and synopsis of which is formulated here: 

International Rock Day:

It is an annual celebration that honors the influential and diverse genre of rock music. This global event brings together music enthusiasts from all walks of life to appreciate the power, energy, and rebellious spirit that rock embodies. It is a time to recognize the profound impact rock music has had on popular culture and its ability to inspire and unite people worldwide. Celebrations include listening to favorite rock tracks, attending concerts, organizing music festivals, and sharing the love for rock on social media platforms. Whether you're a casual listener or a devoted fan, International Rock Day is an opportunity to embrace the genre's timeless legacy and immerse yourself in its raw emotions and electrifying sound. The largest rock n roll concert audience was at the Live Aid concert in 1985. This concert was organized to raise money for the Ethiopian famine relief. The concert was held in London and Philadelphia and featured some of the biggest names in rock music. An estimated 1.5 billion people watched the concert on television.

2. Paavo Nurmi’s world record of 3000 metre :

Paavo Nurmi, a Finnish middle-distance and long-distance runner, set numerous world records during his career. Finnish middle-distance runner Paavo Nurmi made history on July 13th, 1926, by running the 3000m in a remarkable time of 8 minutes and 20.4 seconds. This outstanding achievement established a new world record, showcasing Nurmi's exceptional talent and endurance. 

3. First Chinese Awarded by Nobel Prize died on this day 2017:

Liu Xiaobo, the courageous Chinese intellectual and outspoken government critic, is renowned for his unwavering commitment to democracy and human rights. As a former literature professor at Beijing Normal University, he fearlessly tackled Chinese society and culture through his writings. Liu's courageous stance led to multiple imprisonments, including his involvement in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and his criticism of China's policies towards Taiwan and the Dalai Lama. In 2009, he received an 11-year prison sentence for his participation in Charter '08, a manifesto advocating political reforms in China. His unyielding dedication earned Liu the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. Sadly, he passed away on July 13, 2017, due to complications from liver cancer. Liu Xiaobo's legacy as an emblem of resilience and the fight for human rights continues to resonate globally.

3. Longest semi-final match in Wimbledon history:

South African tennis player Kevin Anderson and American John Isner competed in the longest semi-final match in Wimbledon history on July 13th, 2018. The grueling encounter lasted 6 hours and 36 minutes. This match was won by Anderson.

4. Establishment of Scottish Church College:

Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Alexander Duff, a Christian missionary, established the Scottish Church College in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India, on July 13th, 1830. The college played a significant role in promoting modern education and religious reform in colonial India.

5. Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat:

Jean-Paul Marat, a prominent figure in the French Revolution and a leader of the radical Montagnard faction, was assassinated on July 13th, 1793. Marat was stabbed to death by Charlotte Corday, a young supporter of the Girondin faction. Corday was subsequently guillotined for her actions.

6. Births On This Day, July 13

a) 1979 Craig Bellamy - Welsh footballer.
b) 1950 Ma Ying-jeou - Taiwanese politician
c) 1942 Harrison Ford - American actor
d) 1940 Patrick Stewart - English actor
e) 1821 Nathan Bedford Forrest - American Confederate Army General

7. Deaths On This Day, July 13

a) 2010 George Steinbrenner - American businessman
b) 1976 Joachim Peiper - German SS officer
c) 1954 Frida Kahlo - Mexican painter
d) 1946 Alfred Stieglitz - American photographer
e) 1024 Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor

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