Sunday, July 16, 2023


Every day comes with new challenges hopes and ideas by this note I hereby try my level best to write this blog page in which I going to draw the attention of readers to the significant events that occurred in the annals of history on 16 July.

1. Muslim Calendar:
The Islamic calendar, also known as the Hijri calendar or the Muslim era calendar, is a lunar calendar used by Muslims around the world to determine the dates of religious observances and events. It is based on the cycles of the moon and follows a 12-month pattern. The Islamic calendar started with the migration (Hijrah) of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 CE.

2. Women's Rights: 

In 1856, the Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act was passed by the British colonial government in India. This landmark legislation allowed Hindu widows to remarry, overturning the prevalent social custom of prohibiting remarriage for widowed women. The act aimed to address the injustices and hardships faced by Hindu widows, who were often subjected to a life of social isolation and economic dependency.

3. USA Atom Bomb: 

The United States detonates the first test of the atomic bomb on this day in 1945.
In the history books, one significant event that occurred on July 16, 1945, was the successful testing of the world's first atomic bomb by the United States. This groundbreaking test, code-named "Trinity," took place near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The resounding success of the Trinity test confirmed the feasibility and unleashed the terrifying potential of nuclear weapons.

6. Apollo 11 Mission:

The Apollo 11 mission, carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, was launched on this day in 1969 from Kennedy Space Center, aiming to land the first humans on the Moon.

7. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9:

A remarkable event took place in our solar system on this day in 1994. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, consisting of multiple fragments rather than a single nucleus, collided with the largest planet, Jupiter.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's journey was unique and captivating. Discovered in 1993, its fragmented structure set it apart from other comets. These fragments gracefully orbited Jupiter, guided by the powerful forces of gravity.

Anticipation grew as the individual fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 approached Jupiter. Over several days preceding July 16, 1994, they plunged into the planet's atmosphere one after another. The collisions unleashed tremendous energy, resulting in magnificent fireballs and leaving dark scars on Jupiter's cloud tops.

The collision marks left an indelible impact, both visually and scientifically. Telescopes and space-based observatories focused on Jupiter, capturing detailed images and valuable data. Scientists eagerly studied collisions, gaining insights into the dynamics of cosmic impacts and expanding our knowledge of the solar system.

8. Births On This Day, July 16:

a) 1967 Will Ferrell, American comedian, actor.

b) 1947 Assata Shakur, American activist, criminal.

c) 1907 Orville Redenbacher, American farmer, businessman.

d) 1872 Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer.

e) 1862 Ida B. Wells, American civil rights activist.

f) 1926 – Irwin Rose, biochemist, & Nobel Prize Laureate was born.

g) 1888 – Frits Zernike, a Dutch physicist, and Nobel Prize Laureate was born.

9. Deaths On This Day, July 16:

a) 1960 Albert Kesselring, German field marshal.

b) 1915 Ellen G. White, American author, co-founder of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

c) 1882 Mary Todd Lincoln, American wife of Abraham Lincoln, 17th First Lady of the United States.

d) 1747 Giuseppe Crespi, Italian painter.

10. The Great Schism:1054 AD

On this day, a formal separation occurred between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, known as the East-West Schism. This event had a profound impact on the religious and cultural landscape of Europe and the Middle East.

11. First X-ray photo of arterial circulation:

In a momentous achievement in the field of medical imaging, researchers successfully captured the first X-ray photo of arterial circulation. This breakthrough occurred when advancements in X-ray technology allowed for the visualization of blood flow within the arteries of the human body. The ability to image arterial circulation through X-ray technology revolutionized the field of diagnostic medicine, providing valuable insights into cardiovascular health and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of various arterial conditions. This milestone marked a significant step forward in medical imaging and has since become an essential tool in modern healthcare.

1 comment:

Shaurya Jaiswar said...

Very important knowledgeable sir keep it up.


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