Wednesday, July 12, 2023


In the annals of world history following are the major and significant world events that took place on 12 June:

1. World Day Against Child Labour is observed on June 12th annually. 

It aims to end child labor globally. Child labor deprives children of their rights and traps them in poverty. Education, social protection, and sustainable development are crucial to tackling this issue. Events and campaigns are held worldwide to raise awareness and take action. Governments, organizations, and individuals collaborate to strengthen laws and support affected families. We can contribute by supporting ethical practices and promoting education for all children. Together, we can create a world free from child labor.

2. Philippine Independence Day:

Philippine Independence Day is a national holiday celebrated on June 12th to commemorate the country's declaration of independence from Spanish colonial rule in 1898. It is a significant day that holds historical and cultural importance for Filipinos. The holiday is marked by various activities such as parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and cultural performances. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by Filipino heroes and the struggles endured for independence. 

3. The world's largest twinjet takes off on its maiden flight in 1994:

The Boeing 777, or Triple Seven, typically transports up to 451 passengers. It is one of Boeing's commercially the most successful planes.

4. The First Elected President of Russia: 

Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin became the first President of Russia in 1991, and the first democratically elected leader in the country's history. Yeltsin left a freer world, playing a pivotal role in the collapse of the Soviet Union, yet underdelivered on many of the promises of economic prosperity he made to the Russian people. His presidency was characterized by Russia’s move to a free-market economy, conflicts in Chechnya, and his own recurring health struggles.

5. Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison:

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist and became an influential figure in the fight against apartheid, a system of racial segregation enforced by the National Party government of South Africa from 1948 to 1994.

In 1964, Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government. He spent 27 years in prison, most of it on Robben Island, before being released on February 11, 1990, following international pressure and negotiations. He received numerous international honors, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He became the President of the ANC in 1991 and led the party in negotiations with the government, eventually resulting in the country's first democratic elections in 1994. Mandela was elected as South Africa's first black president, serving from 1994 to 1999. His presidency focused on reconciliation, social justice, and dismantling the legacy of apartheid. 

6. Births On This Day, June 12:

a) 1971 Mark Henry, American weightlifter, wrestler.

b) 1941 Roy Harper, English singer-songwriter, guitarist, poet, and actor.

c) 1929 Anne Frank, German/Dutch author, Holocaust victim.

d) 1924 George H. W. Bush, American politician, 41st President of the US.

e) 1897 Anthony Eden, British politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

7. Deaths On This Day, June 12:
a) 2010 Al Williamson, American illustrator.

b) 2006 György Ligeti, Romanian/Austrian composer.

c) 1994 Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Russian/French rabbi.

d) 1980 Billy Butlin, South African/English businessman, founded Butlins.

e) 1963 Medgar Evers, American civil rights activist.

8. Committee of European Economic Co-operation (CEEC): Marshall Plan & Rebuilding Europe After World War II
The  was a joint  The committee, consisting of representatives from 16 European nations, met from 12 July to 22 September 1947 in Paris, France.
On this day, 12 September 1947, the Committee of European Economic Co-operation (CEEC) representatives of sixteen European Countries concluded their final meeting in Paris. CEEC was a joint European conference that was organised to settle the priorities for the recovery of the worn-torn European economy after World War II and to facilitate the administration of the Marshall Plan. 


Anonymous said...

Great n useful info

Anonymous said...

Quick to get the knowledge

Praveen said...

Blogs are very informative and useful for competitions.
Great effort.please keep posting such knowledge sharing blogs.

Shaurya Jaiswar said...

Well written blog very useful for life.

Praveen said...

Very informative.


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