Monday, July 10, 2023


The most significant world events that took palce on 10 July are highlighted below:

1. International Town Criers Day:

This day is celebrated as International Town Criers Day in different part of the world. International Town Criers Day has been celebrated for more than 25 years, since its founding in 1997. Scott Fraser, who had been a town crier in Waterloo, Ontario, in the 1980s, established the day to draw attention and recognition to the importance of this role. Since then, the day has been celebrated every year on a Monday in early July, encouraging folks all over the world to show appreciation for this important part of folklorea and to demonstrate its historical importance and the important role the Criers played in the Monarchy Kingdom. Sometimes referred to as bellmen due to their ringing of a bell, town criers were thought to have arisen in Britain in medieval times, as early as the 11th century, when men were employed to call out proclamations on the authority of the king. Continuing on for several centuries, they were often seen in England and also in North America during the early days of the colonies in the 1700s.

In olden times, when few people were literate, and there was little access to printed media, town criers were a central part of urban living and played a very important role. Town criers were responsible for keeping the populace up to date with the latest news and events, and for disseminating news from the ruling classes to the wider populace. Ability to read, having a loud voice, and being able to draw the attention of a crowd were necessary qualification for those who aspired to take on the role of town crier in the past. Because they sometimes brought bad news, such as tax increases or unpopular new laws, the town criers were legally protected and any harm done to them was considered to be treason.

The world’s tallest town crier is located in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England standing at 7 feet 2 inches tall. Martin Woods started as the town crier in 1984 and continued on in the role for more than 35 years.

The world record for the loudest town crier is held by Alan Myatt who is crier for the City of Gloucester, London’s Covent Garden and other places in England. His cry rings out at 112.8 decibels and was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records two times.

2. NASA launched Telstar 1, the World’s First Active Communications Satellite:

The Telestar 1 was succesfully launched on 10 July 1962 on a top of a Thor Delta Rocket was from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the U.S. as the first commercial payload in space. Telstar 1 was developed and operated jointly by NASA and AT&T. While it wasn't the first communications satellite ever launched, it was the first to amplify signals in space before sending them back to earth. This made it the first satellite to transmit TV signals between Europe and the United States,across the Atlantic Oceans, inagurating a new age in electronic communication. 

3. Aviator Howard Hughes started his around-the-world flight:

Howard Robard Hughes, Jr. (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) Hughes was an innovative American businessman, movie producer, aircraft inventor, mine owner and casino owner who became infamous in the final years of his life, when he lived as an eccentric recluse.

He gained fame as a record-setting pilot, flying around the world in 1938 in just over 91 hours. However, Hughes's most famous aviation endeavor was building the largest airplane ever made, the Spruce Goose, a giant, eight-engined, flying boat made of wood that flew only once, in 1947. On July 10, 1938 Hughes set another record by completing a flight around the world in just 91 hours (3 days, 19 hours), beating the previous record by more than four days. For this flight he did not fly a plane of his own design but a Lockheed Super Electra (a twin-engine plane with a four-man crew) fitted with all of the latest radio and navigational equipment. Hughes wanted the flight to be a triumph of technology, illustrating that safe, long-distance air travel was possible.

Hughes received many awards as an aviator, including the Harmon Trophy in 1936 and 1938, the Collier Trophy in 1938, the Octave Chanute Award in 1940, and a special Congressional Gold Medal in 1939 "… in recognition of the achievements of Howard Hughes in advancing the science of aviation and thus bringing great credit to his country throughout the world."

4. In support of the American Revolution, Louis XVI declared war on England in 1778.

5. U.S. troops took possession of Florida. The territory was sold by Spain in 1821.

6. 1866 - Edison P. Clark patented his indelible pencil in 1866. The term copy pencil is used to describe an "indelible" pencil that cannot be easily erased by rubbing out or washing off. Because of this quality copy pencil has been used for account writing and as a laundry marker. The pencil is essentially graphite but also contains a dye.

7.  Wyoming became the 44th state to join the United States in 1890.

8. On this day‘His Master’s Voice’, was registered with the U.S. Patent Office in 1900.The logo of the Victor Recording Company, and later, RCA Victor, shows the dog, Nipper, looking into the horn of a gramophone machine.

9. On this day in 1910 W.R. Brookins became the first to fly an airplane at an altitude of one mile.

10. On this day in 1973 Britain granted the Bahamas their independence after three centuries of British colonial rule. The cpital city of Bahamas is Nassau and the country has a fully self-governing member of the Commonwealth and a member of the United Nations, the Caribbean Community and the Organisation of American States.

The Bahamas is an archipelago of nearly 700 coral islands. Around 30 of the islands are inhabited. The Bahamas sits in the West Atlantic Ocean, 100 kilometres south-east of Florida in the United States and 80 kilometres north-east of Cuba.

11. On this day in 1991 Boris Yeltsin took the oath of office as the first elected president of the Russian Republic.

12. U.S. patent issued for three-point seatbelt:

The United States Patent Office issues the Swedish engineer Nils Bohlin a patent for his three-point automobile safety belt “for use in vehicles, especially road vehicles” on July 10, 1962.

13. On this day in 1553: Lady Jane Grey known as the "Nine-Day Queen is proclaimed Queen of England, following the death of Edward VI.

14. On this day in 2015: NASA's New Horizons spacecraft makes its closest approach to Pluto, providing the first detailed images and data about the dwarf planet.

15. On this day in 1925: The famous Scopes Monkey Trial concludes in Dayton, Tennessee, with John T. Scopes found guilty of teaching evolution in violation of state law.

16. Births On This Day,
a) July 10, 1980 Jessica Simpson American singer-songwriter, actress, fashion designer. She is known for her reality television show, Nick and Jessica: Newlyweds.

b) July 10, 1949 Sunil Gavaskar Indian cricketer:

Sunil Gavaskar was one of the greatest opening batsmen of all time, and certainly the most successful. His game was built around a near-perfect technique and enormous powers of concentration. It is hard to visualise a more beautiful defence: virtually unbreachable, it made his wicket among the hardest to earn. He played with equal felicity off both front and back feet, had excellent judgement of length and line, and was beautifully balanced. He had virtually every stroke in the book but traded flair for the solidity his side needed more. His record for the highest number of Test hundreds was overtaken by Sachin Tendulkar, but statistics alone don't reveal Gavaskar's true value to India. He earned respect for Indian cricket and he taught his team-mates the virtue of professionalism. The self-actualisation of Indian cricket began under him. Since retiring, Gavaskar has served as a television commentator, analyst and columnist, as well as taken on various responsibilities with the BCCI, and served as chairman of the ICC cricket committee. He stepped down - after some controversial comments - from the latter in order to continue as a media columnist and commentator.

c) July 10, 1871 Marcel Proust French writer:

Marcel Proust was a French writer who is widely regarded as one of the most influential novelists of the 20th century. He was born on July 10, 1871, in Auteuil, a suburb of Paris, France. Proust is best known for his seven-volume novel "In Search of Lost Time" (also known as "Remembrance of Things Past" or "À la recherche du temps perdu").

d) Nikola Tesla Day - July 10 (Day of Science, Technology & Innovation):

Nikola Tesla Day is a commemorative day held annually on July 10th to honour the life, achievements, and contributions of the renowned Nikola Tesla- one of the world greatest scientist and inventor, engineer, and physicist. This day celebrates Tesla's groundbreaking work in the field of electrical engineering and his significant impact on modern technology and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply system.

Born on July 10, 1856, in modern-day Croatia, Tesla was a visionary whose ideas were often ahead of his time. He is best known for his work on alternating current (AC) electrical systems, which are used for transmitting electricity over long distances, and his inventions like the AC induction motor and transformer, which are widely used in modern power systems. Tesla also made significant contributions in areas such as wireless communication, radar, X-ray technology, robotics, and renewable energy, among others.

e) July 10, 1509 John Calvin, French theologian, pastor:

John Calvin (l. 1509-1564) was a French Reformer, pastor, and theologian considered among the greatest of the Protestant Reformation along with Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) and Huldrych Zwingli (l. 1484-1531). Calvin synthesized the differing views of Protestant sects with his own in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, regarded as one of the most important works of Protestant theology.

11. Deaths On This Day:

a) July 10, 2015 Omar Sharif, Egyptian actor:

Omar Sharif, the Egyptian actor best known for playing Sherif Ali in Lawrence of Arabia (1962) for which he earned a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award nomination and international fame, Sharif became a star in Egyptian cinema.

Beginning in the 1960s, Sharif earned a reputation as one of the world's best known contract bridge players. In the 1970s and 1980s, he co-wrote a syndicated newspaper bridge column for the Chicago Tribune. Sharif also wrote several books on bridge and has licensed his name to a bridge computer game, "Omar Sharif Bridge", which has been marketed since 1992.

As an actor, Sharif had made a comeback in 2003 playing the title role of an elderly Muslim shopkeeper in the French film Monsieur Ibrahim (2003). For his performance, he won the Best Actor Award at the Venice Film Festival and the Best Actor César, France's equivalent of the Oscar, from the Académie des Arts et Techniques du Cinéma.

Diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2012, Sharif died of a heart attack on July 10, 2015, in Cairo, Egypt.

b) July10, 1584 William the Silent, German son of William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg:

William the Silent (l. 1533-1584, also known as William of Orange) was the leader of the Dutch Revolt (the Eighty Years' War) in the Netherlands; first politically (between 1559-1568) then militarily (between 1568-1584). He is among the most prominent figures in Dutch history, regarded as the Father of the Fatherland, and in European history of the 16th century.

Sunday, July 9, 2023


On 7 June, various significant events have taken place throughout history in India. From political milestones to cultural celebrations, this date holds historical importance. Let's delve into some of the noteworthy events that occurred on this day in India's past.

1. BIRTH OF INDIAN CINEMA: The Lumiere Brothers showcased six films at the Watson Hotel in Bombay (now Mumbai) on 7th July 1896. This marked the birth of the Indian Cinema. 

The Lumiere brothers were French Cinematographers who arrived in India after having proved their cinematic excellence in Paris. The screening of the films took place on July 7th 1896 at the Watson Hotel in Mumbai and the ticket was priced at Re.1. The Times of India referred to this event as the “miracle of the century”. The show received an overwhelming response and motion pictures were soon introduced to India, in Kolkata (Calcutta) and Chennai (Madras).

The six films screened that day were Entry of Cinematographe, The Sea Bath, Arrival of a Train, A Demolition,  Ladies and Soldiers on Wheels and Leaving the Factory. The second film screening by the Lumiere Brothers took place on July 14th at a new venue, the Novelty Theatre, Bombay and twenty four films were screened that day, including A Stormy Sea and The Thames at Waterloo Bridge. Alternating between these two venues, the shows culminated on August 15th 1896.

Much before the introduction of film (silent or talkies) three elements were vital in Indian culture natya (drama) nritya (pantomime) and nrrita (pure dance). These three aspects were eventually passed on to Indian cinema. Bollywood films today epitomize Indian culture by their extravagant song and dance sequences and flamboyant costumes and Bollywood has contributed immensely to Indian music by composing some of the most melodious tunes in Indian music history.

After the film screening in Mumbai by the Lumiere brothers, films became a sensation in India and the following year a Professor Stevenson staged a show at Calcutta’s (now Kolkata) Star Theatre. Using Stevenson’s camera, Hiralal Sen, an Indian photographer, made a motion picture of scenes from that show, namely The Flowers of Persia (1898). The first film ever to be shot by an Indian was called the The Wrestlers made in 1899 by H.S Bhatavdekar depicting a wrestling match in Mumbai’s Hanging Gradens. This was also India’s first documentary film. The first film released in India was Sree Pundalik a silent Marathi film by Ram Chandra Gopal Torne also know as Dadasaheb Torne on May 18th 1912.

India’s first full length film was made by Dadasahed Phalke (also known as the father of Indian cinema), India’s earliest film maker who blended together elements from Sanskrit epics to make his first film Raja Harishchandra in 1913, which was a silent film in Marathi. The roles of females were played by men and this film remains a landmark moment in the history of Indian cinema. Raja Harishchandra was a great commercial success and was an inspiration for further such films.

India’s very first talkie (that is the first talking film) was Alam Ara made by Ardeshir Irani which was released on March 14th 1931. The first two south Indian films to have a theatrical release were Prahalada (Telegu) and Kalidas (Tamil) and were released on October 31st 1931. The first Bengali talkie to be released was Jumai Shasthi. Talkies soon became very popular in India and actors in these films were much in demand and made a decent amount of money by acting. 

With the development of sound technology, the 1930s saw the use of music in Indian films and Indra Sabha and Devi Deviyani were one of the first song and dance films in India.  Indian commercial cinema (also known as masala films), which were a heady cocktail of dance, music, drama, comedy and romance came up after the Second World War. During the 1940s, south Indian films too had gained immense prominence in Indian cinema.

The Partition of India in 1947 also greatly affected Indian cinema and many films were made on this historic event for many years to come. The Golden Age of Indian cinema came following the independence of India in 1947 which saw the rise of a new genre of Indian cinema called parallel cinema, which was predominantly led by Bengali cinema. A few examples of films from this era were Nagarik by Ritwik Ghatak (1952) and Do Biga Zameen by Bimal Roy (1953). By the mid 1950s, Satyajit Ray had made his entry into Indian Cinema and made Pather Panchali in 1955 which was the first part of his famous Apu trilogy.

Commercial cinema too was mushrooming and some of the most popular commercial film in the 1950s and '60s were Awaara (1951), Shree 420 (1955) Pyaasa (1957), Mother India (1957) Kaagaz  Ke Phool (1959) and Mughal-e-Azam (1960). Commercial cinema continued to grow in the 1980s and 1990s and is today flourishing as one of the most popular and loved genres in Indian cinema today. Like in the past, Indian films still continue winning prominent awards at home and abroad.

The credit of establishment of cinema in India goes to the Lumiere Brothers, who ignited the spark of making motion pictures in various Indian filmmakers.


1. Chenraj Roychand was born on July 7, 1961. He is the founder Chairman of the Jain Group. He is a visionary leader, educationist, social entrepreneur, and angel investor. He incepted the Jain Group in 1990 with the objective of providing quality educational and entrepreneurial opportunities to the masses. He established Jain College in Bangalore.

2. Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra was born on July 7, 1963. He is an Indian filmmaker and screenwriter. He is best known for writing and directing Rang De Basanti and Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. 

Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra is a director, writer and producer who established Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Pictures (Romp) in India. Romp has cultivated in them an attitude to pioneer the way for the new wave and new age cinema from India, by identifying talent (writers & directors) from India and telling Indian stories to the world. He has written, produced and directed the film Rang de Basanti (Color of Sacrifice) (2006), with an ensemble of Indian and International cast. Rang De Basanti won 4 National Awards (President's Medals), was India's official entry to the Oscars 2006- 2007 It was also nominated by British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) in the Best Foreign language film category 06-07.

He went onto make Delhi -6 (2009) which is set against the backdrop of the caste and religious divide of the Indian social fabric. Delhi -6 has achieved tremendous critical acclaim and was an official selection at the prestigious Venice Film Festival. It won two National Awards (President Of India Medals). The Variety has termed it as un-bollywood , and "a step forward from Rang De Basanti , ushering an era of new age Indian cinema."

In 2011, Rakeysh's documentary film Bollywood: The Greatest Love Story (which was co-directed by Jeffery Zimbalist) was an official selection at the Cannes 2011 to celebrate 100 years of Indian Cinema. It is a documetary feature, an avantgarde take on how Indian cinema has reflected the changing socio-political landscape since India got independence from the British Raj. 
3. Nabam Tuki was born on July 7, 1964. He is an Indian politician and a former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh. He belongs to the Indian National Congress. He has a special interest in sports and the preservation and protection of the environment.He held this position twice between 2011 and 2016. His first term spanned between November 2011 and January 2016, while the second term merely lasted for 3 days in the month of July 2016.

4. Kailash Kher the mystical nomad was born on July 7, 1973. He is an Indian playback singer and music composer. Born Into the world of Nirgun Sangeet his childhood rhythmed with Pandit Meher Singh Kher (Father), Saint Kabir, Shri Guru Nanak, Saint Ravidas and Guru Goraknath. He started his career through a jingle in 2002 and thereon there was no looking then. In 2003 saw a new light of Music through ‘Allah ke Bande’ and thereafter his music continued to grow in all the 22 languages of India with countless numbers of Hindi and regional film songs He earned recognition and honours ranging from MTv, Filmfare, etc. to the highly coveted Padma Shri Award.

5. MS Dhoni an Indian International Cricketer, born on July 7, 1981, Ranchi, Bihar (now in Jharkhand). He was the captain of an Indian national team in limited-overs format from 2007 to 2016.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni was captain of the Indian national team in limited-overs formats from 2007 to 2017 and in Test cricket from 2008 to 2014. Dhoni is widely considered one of the greatest cricket captains, wicket-keeper-batsman and finishers in the history of cricket

He is considered one of the best wicket-keepers in the world of cricket and is also one of the finest captains India has ever had. In 2004, he made his debut in the One Day International (ODI) and played his first Test a year later in 2005.

Dhoni did his schooling at DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir, Ranchi, Jharkhand and excelled in multiple sports such as badminton, football and cricket. He played as a goalkeeper for his football team and played cricket for a local club. 

Dhoni showed impressive wicket-keeping skills at the Commando Cricket Club during 1995-98 and was picked up for Vinoo Mankad Trophy Under-16 Championship for the 1997-98 session and played well. After completing High School, Dhoni focussed on Cricket. 

During 2001-2003, Dhoni was a TTE (Travelling Ticket Examiner) at Kharagpur Railway Station, under South Eastern Railway in West Bengal. He bagged Man of the Match for his outstanding performance in the 2011 Cricket World Cup.

6. Guru Har Kishan Singh (7 July 1656 – 30 March 1664), the eighth Guru of the Sikhs. He became the Guru on 6 October 1661 and remained in this post till 1664. He ruled for only three years, but he was very knowledgeable and used to amaze the Brahmins who came to him with the knowledge of the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita. Kishan Singh was born on 7 July 1656 in Kiratpur, Sivalik Hills.

7. Mohammad Barkatullah (7 July 1854 – 20 September 1927) an Indian freedom fighter. He was an anti-British anti-imperialist revolutionary who took us pains from the Sarva-Islam movement. Barkatullah spent most of his life abroad and supported the Indian independence movements. He was born on 7 July 1854 in Bhopal.

8. Randhir Singh (7 July 1878 – 16 April 1961), a famous Sikh leader and revolutionary. He was an opponent of untouchability and a supporter of women’s rights. Singh was born on 7 July 1878 in Ludhiana, Punjab.

9. Chandradhar Sharma Guleri (7 July 1883 – 12 September 1922), a noted litterateur of Hindi literature. Before the age of twenty, he was selected in the group formed for the restoration and related research work of the observatory of Jaipur, and together with Captain Garrett he composed an English book titled “The Jaipur Observatory and its builders”. He was born on 7 July 1883 in Guler Village, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

10. Anil Biswas (7 July 1914 – 31 May 2003), a famous Bollywood musician. Anil Biswas has been the charioteer of the golden age of Hindi films. Not only did he make film music classical, artistic, and melodious with his music, but he also carved many singers and singers and presented them like diamonds and jewels. Among them, the names of Talat Mahmood, Mukesh, Lata Mangeshkar, Suraiya can be counted prominently. Anil Biswas was well versed in folk music along with being a master of classical music. He was born on 7 July 1914 in Barisal, East Bengal.


1. Vikram Batra was an officer of the Indian Army who was martyred during the Kargil War in 1999 (between India and Pakistan). He was awarded Param Vir Chakra posthumously.Captain Vikram Batra (9 September 1974 – 7 July 1999), an officer of the Indian Army, awarded with the Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest and most prestigious award for valour, for his actions during the 1999 Kargil War. He led one of the toughest operations in mountain warfare in Indian history. Batra died on 7 July 1999 at the age of just 24 in Kargil, Jammu & Kashmir, India.

2. Abdul Qavi Desnavi (1 November 1930 – 7 July 2011), the famous Indian, made his mark as a writer of the Urdu language. He had a wonderful knowledge of literature, that is why he was a well-known figure in India and the world of the Urdu language. Abdul Qawi Desnavi was not only a famous writer but also an Urdu poet, critic, and linguist i.e. he had a great knowledge of the language. He died on 7 July 2011 in Bhopal.

3. Madan Lal Madhu (22 May 1925 – 7 July 2014) has been one of the modern bridge builders of Hindi and Russian literature. As editor-translator for nearly four decades at Moscow’s leading publishing house Progress and Raduga Publications, he wrote more than a hundred classic Russian books, including classics by Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Tolstoy, Gorky, Chekhov, Turgenev, etc. Hindi translation made accessible to Indian readers. He died on 7 July 2014.

4. C. Kesavan died on July 7, 1969. He was a politician, social reformer, statesman, and the Chief Minister of Travancore-Cochin during 1950-52.Keshavan was born in Mayyanad in Kollam on 23 May 1891 in a family of weavers. He was an active member of the Swadeshi Movement. He even visited Burma in order to propagate the message of Khadi and Charkka.

He was a lawyer by profession and Secretary of SNDP Yogam. He entered into the political agitations in Travancore by joining Abstention Movement and the movement for Responsible government. The leaders of the Abstention Movement demanded judicious representation of communities in the government jobs of Travancore on the basis of their population.

He opposed the Diwan of Travancore Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Ayyer. He was arrested and imprisoned for two years for the seditious speech he had made in Kozhaencherry on 11 May 1835.  

Even after his release from prison, he continued his fight for freedom and the oppressive rule of Diwan. Due to his courageous fight for freedom, he was called the ‘Uncrowned King of Travancore’. He demanded the resignation of Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Ayyer from the position of the Diwan of Travancore in July 1947. He died on 7 July 1969. 

Friday, July 7, 2023



1. July 7th is known as Global Forgiveness Day:


Global Forgiveness Day 2023, also known as World Forgiveness Day. Global forgiveness day is an important event and it is celebrated on 7 July every year. This day is an opportunity and a reminder that forgiving people is essential, especially for our mental health and peace. Forgiveness can mean different to different people. And you don't have to force yourself to forgive someone, it is your personal decision so take your time. We need to take a decision to forgive people after we felt hurt by someone by their actions or words.

It can be anyone who seeks forgiveness in our life- our parents who constantly criticize us while growing up or our colleague who sabotaged our project, or even our partner who may have done things that were hurtful. There may be various situations in life when you will have to forgive people and get over a few traumatic experiences.

Life events can leave us with lasting feelings of bitterness and anger but forgiveness can bring us joy, hope, and gratitude. Below are a few inspirational quotes to share with your friends and family on Global Forgiveness Day 2023.

National Forgiveness Day was created by the Christian Embassy of Christ’s Ambassadors in the year 1994 marking August 7 to celebrate the day. Global Forgiveness Day originated in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This day started when the organization hung a banner announcing National Forgiveness Day in Canada. In later years the celebration flourished, and with over responses from media the National Forgiveness Day was renamed Global Forgiveness Day, this was done to spread the message of the day widely all around the world. Later the date was also moved from August 27 to July 7. The main motto of the day was to forgive and to be forgiven. 

Celebrate Global Forgiveness Day by practicing the intention of the day to forgive. On this day forgive others and forgive yourself. Be honest and if you think you have made a mistake of hurting someone then without hesitation ask for forgiveness, and when others say sorry accept it without a second thought. You can tell sorry for any gifts and flowers. Flowers are always the best way to ask for forgiveness. Express your feeling in a letter and send it with a cake or chocolates. Another best way to celebrate the day is by spreading the importance of the day to everyone around you. This day will help you rebuild your relationship with anyone. So grab this day to say sorry that you always wanted to say and fix those small problems through speaking. Post pictures and share your Global Forgiveness Day celebrations on social media by using the hashtag #GlobalForgivenessDay.

2. 7th July is also observed as the Tell The Truth Day: 

There are many reasons why honesty is the best policy. One of those reasons is that when people are truthful, it builds trust. Trust is essential in relationships – personal and professional alike. On Tell The Truth Day, we recommit to being honest with others and honoring our commitments.

Being truthful can also prevent misunderstandings and conflicts from happening in the first place. If everyone communicated openly and honestly, there would be less need for assumptions or guesswork. And finally, speaking truthfully allows us to live authentically – which can be incredibly liberating!

So on Tell The Truth Day, let’s pledge to tell the truth – even when it’s difficult – because it makes life simpler and more meaningful."Honesty and truthfulness are the two strong pillars that are emphasized by all religions worldwide. There are many different cultures and religions in the whole world and each religion tells us the importance of integrity and sincerity. 

The day also tells that people who tell truth are always honored and celebrated over the people who tell lies. The aim behind this day is to achieve #tellthetruth. This day tells that speaking the truth is the most important thing.

How to celebrate the day?

1. This provocative day emphasizes honesty by telling the truth the whole day. 

2. We’ve been taught since we were kids that truth is always a right choice, but as we grow up we forget this ‘right choice’, this day encourages us to speak the truth. 

3. We speak lies to save the situation but the truth is that lies make things worse for us. 

4. This is a day on which you can speak the truth if you are hiding it from your loved one or family members. 

On this day, here are some of the quotes that would motivate you to speak the truth:

“Truth never damages a cause that is just.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” – Mahatma Gandhi.

“Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy.” – Warren Wiersbe.

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.” – William Faulkner.

“It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.” – Rick Riordan.

3. Famous Birthdays:

a) Ringo Starr, British singer-songwriter, musician-drummer, actor was born on 7 July 1940.

b) David McCullough an American historian, author was born on 7 July 1933.

c) Robert A. Heinlein an American writer was born on 7 July on 1907.

d) Satchel Paige an American baseball player was born on 7 July 1906.

e) 1860 Gustav Mahler, an Austrian composer - Doc Severingsen - American trumpet player and conductor was born on 7 July 1860. (The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson)

f)  Shelley Duvall - American actress, writer, and producer (Popeye) was born on 7 July 1949.

g) Billy Campbell - American actor (Once and Again, the 4400)  was born on 7 July 1959.

e) Michelle Kwan - American figure skates (2 time Olympic Medalist, 5 time World Champion, 9 time U.S. Champion) was born on 7 July 1980.

4. Deaths On This Day:

a) On July 7, 2008 Bruce Conner, American painter, photographer, director

b) On July 7, 2006 Syd Barrett, English singer-songwriter, guitarist.

c) On July 7, 1930 Arthur Conan Doyle,Scottish physician, author. British writer of Sherlock Holmes Books (b. 1859)

d) On July 7, 1865 Mary Surratt, American conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

e) On July 7, 1307 Edward I of England, (b. 1239).

f) On July 7, 1969  Brian Jones the former Rolling Stones Guitarist has recorded a verdict of death by misadventure, when he had drowned after taking a cocktail of drink and drugs.

5. Introduction of Slice Bread:

The world celebrated the introduction of sliced bread for the first time on 7 June 1928. The machine used was invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder and used by the Chillicothe Baking Company, Missouri, US. This act is described as the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.

6. Boris Becker:

In 1985, Boris Becker becomes the youngest player to win Wimbledon at age of  17. The German tennis player beat American Kevin Curren. Boris Becker wins the men's Wimbledon championships breaking multiple records in the process.

a) The youngest ever player to win the men's title at the Wimbledon tennis tournament.

b) The first German ever to win the men's title.

c) The first unseeded player to ever win the championship.

7. The Solomon Islands became an independent nation in 1978.

8. The Organic Act: The Organic Act was signed by the US President McKinley to annex Hawaii in 1898.

9., Inc.: The e-commerce company Amazon was founded in Seattle, Washington under the name "Cadabra" in 1994.

10. Women Entry in US Army: Women are enrolled into the United States Military Academy at West Point for the first time in history in 1976.

11. Sweden First Synthetic Organ Transplant-2011: The world's first synthetic organ transplant was successfully completed by surgeons in Sweden. The operation took place in June when surgeons transplanted a completely synthetic trachea and covered it in the patient's stem cells. The thirty-six year old patient was reportedly recovering well a month after the actual operation.

12. Kaesong Industrial Complex: In 2013 North Korea and South Korea have agreed to reopen the Kaesong Industrial complex, a joint factory park that had been shut down in April over tensions between the two countries.

13. Hawaiian Islands annexed by the United States in 1930: Construction began on Boulder Dam, later Hoover Dam, on the Colorado River. The U.S. Congress annexed Hawaii through a joint resolution signed by President William McKinley on this day in 1898, paving the way for the islands to become a territory (1900) and later a U.S. state (1959).


Since our country is know for its diversities and culture and there is many important events that occured in the annals of the history of our country :

1. National Doctor’s Day - July 1: 

           In India, Doctor's Day is observed on the 1st of July to mark the importance of doctors hold in our lives. This day is also meant to commemorate the medical industry and its advancements.

          National Doctor's Day is celebrated in India every year on July 1 to commemorate the medical genius, politician and a passionate freedom fighter Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. Born on July 1, 1882 in Bankipore, Patna. Dr. Roya was a birthday-perisher who breathed his last on the same date in the year 1962 at the age of 80, a strange coincidence. 

            In India, National Doctors' Day was first observed on the 01st of July 1991 in honour of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, to pay tribute to his contributions to the health sector.   

              The contribution of doctors goes beyond the treatment of health issues, surgeries and saving lives. They support one through what seems like the darkest phase of their life and encourage them to be hopeful and positive. National Doctor's Day is the perfect opportunity to honour the medical practitioners and appreciate their presence in our life.

              Doctors are the soldiers of the country, those who don't fight at borders but dedicatedly work to save lives and improve life expectancy while putting their lives at risk. Their contribution towards human health is beyond expectations. They are always the first to respond to a pandemic situation such as COVID-19, Disease X, Plague, Flu, AIDS, Ebola, and others to protect the general populace.

                                     Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy was a well-known doctor, educator, freedom fighter, social worker, and politician. He was also the chief minister of West Bengal for 14 years, from 1948 to 1962. On the 04th of February 1961, he received the highest Indian civilian award, "THE BHARAT RATNA". He gave his life to the people, treated many individuals, and inspired millions. He was also the personal physician of Mahatma Gandhi. He is also called the ‘Messiah of Bengal’ especially in reference to the remarkable work done by him.

                   In the year 1976, the B.C. Roy National Award was established in his memory to recognize the eminent person working in the areas of medicine, science, public affairs, philosophy, arts, and literature.

1.a. Chartered Accountants Day - July 1

                   July 1 will be the CA day just like every year. The 75th CA Day Anniversary of its foundation will be celebrated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) on July 1 as it is 2023.

      The ICAI is a statutory body that regulates and conducts courses for the profession of Accountancy in India. CA Day is observed by all Chartered Accountants to celebrate the milestones of the ICAI.

                                    The ICAI is the world’s second-largest body of Chartered Accountants and maintains the highest education and ethical standards. Find out more about CA Day, its history, significance, and how it is celebrated across the country here.

2. The first July in Indian history is celebrated as the birth anniversary of the following personalities:

a) Benegal Rama Rao (1 July 1889 – 13 December 1969), the fourth governor of the Reserve Bank of India. His tenure lasted from 1 July 1949 to 14 January 1957. He was born on 1 July 1889.

b) Amarkant (1 July 1925 – 17 February 2014), one of the famous litterateurs of India. He was the main storyteller of the realistic stream after Premchand in Hindi fiction. After graduating from Prayag University, Amarkant had decided that he had to serve Hindi literature. There was a desire to become a journalist in his mind and he started his job with the daily newspaper ‘Sainik’ coming out of Agra city. Amarkant was always a shy person. He did not find anything ordinary related to the general public. He kept a close eye on every important event happening in the country. He himself never liked being in the centre of the discussion. Some of his notable works includes Inhi Hathiyaaron Se, Kale Ujale Din, Kuch Yaadein Kuch Baatein etc. Amarkant got awarded with Sahitya Akademi Award in 2007 and Jnanpith Award in 2009 for his contribution in Hindi literature. He was born on 1 July 1925 in Nagra Village, Ballia District, Uttar Pradesh.

c) Chandra Shekhar Singh (1 July 1927 – 8 July 2007) an Indian politician who served as the eighth Prime Minister of India, between 10 November 1990 and 21 June 1991. He got the title of Young Turk because of his impartiality. He was a man of intellect. Chandrashekhar took over as the Prime Minister after Vishwanath Pratap Singh. He was considered very close to Acharya Narendra Dev. He imbibed a lot from his personality and character. As an MP, Chandrashekhar’s statements were listened to very carefully by both the pros and cons. It was popular for them that they believe in working not for politics but the politics of progress of the country. Chandrashekhar used to praise and criticize on the voice of the soul. Then they did not see whether he was doing this for the side or against the opposition. He was born 1 July 1927 in Ibrahimpatti, Ballia, United Provinces, British India (now in Uttar Pradesh, India).

d) Sudhakar Pandey (1 July 1927 – 18 April 2003), an Indian politician. He was elected to the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India from Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh in 1971 as a member of the Indian National Congress. He was a member of the Rajya Sabha, the Upper house of the Parliament of India from Uttar Pradesh from 1980 to 1986. He was born on 1 July 1927 in Chaka, Varanasi, British India.

e) Abdul Hamid (1 July 1933 – 10 September 1965), an Indian Army soldier who posthumously received India’s highest military decoration, the Param Vir Chakra, for his actions during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. He was born on 1 July 1933 in Dhamupur, Ghazipur district, United Provinces, British India.

f) 1949 - Venkaiah Naidu's Birthday
Muppavarapu Venkaiah Naidu, commonly known as Venkaiah Naidu, is an Indian politician and the 13th Vice President of India. He served as the Vice President from August 11, 2017, to August 11, 2022. Naidu was born on July 1, 1949, in Chavatapalem village, Andhra Pradesh, India.

g) 1973 - Akhilesh Yadav's Birthday
Akhilesh Yadav is an Indian politician and the former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, a state in northern India. He was born on July 1, 1973, in Saifai, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh, India. Akhilesh Yadav belongs to the Samajwadi Party (SP), one of the prominent political parties in Uttar Pradesh.

h)1992 - Rhea Chakraborty's Birthday
Rhea Chakraborty is an Indian actress and former VJ (Video Jockey) who primarily works in the Hindi film industry, Bollywood. She was born on July 1, 1992, in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Rhea made her acting debut with the Telugu film "Tuneega Tuneega" in 2012 and later appeared in several Hindi films.

3. 1862 - Calcutta High Court opened
The Calcutta High Court is the oldest High Court in India. It was established on 1st July 1862 under the High Court's Act, of 1861.

4. 1879 - Postcard debut in India
In India, the first postcards were issued on July 1st, 1879. Their designing and printing was done by Messrs Thomas De La Rue & Co. of London.

5. 1964 – Unit Trust of India Scheme Inaugurated
The mutual fund industry in India was started in 1963 with the formation of Unit Trust of India, at the initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India. The first scheme launched by UTI was Unit Scheme 1964, launched on July 1, 1964.
6. 2017 - GST introduced in India
On July 1, 2017, GST laws were implemented, replacing a complex web of Central and State taxes. Under the Indian GST, goods and services are categorized into different tax slabs, including 5%, 12%, 18%, and 28%.

7. 1 July 1955 – Imperial Bank of India was nationalized and renamed as State Bank of India. 

8. 1 July 1964 – Industrial Development Bank of India was established.


There have been several notable historical events that occurred on July 1 throughout the world. Here are a few examples:

1. SOS is adopted as the International Distress Signal in 1908:

The 2nd International Radiotelegraphic Convention, which was signed in December 1906, made the Morse code distress signal (· · · – – – · · ·), the standard international maritime distress signal. Even though it was replaced by the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System in 1999, SOS is universally seen as a distress call and is often mistakenly thought to be an abbreviation of Save Our Souls or Save Our Ship.

2. In 1944, delegates from 44 Allied nations gathered in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA to establish the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which is now known as the World Bank.

3. In 1991, the Warsaw Pact, a defense treaty between eight communist countries, was dissolved.

4. In 2002, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established:

The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established on July 1st, 2002. This permanent tribunal prosecutes individuals for crimes such as genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression.It was created by the Rome Statute, an international treaty that was signed in the Italian city of Rome in 1998.

5. Hong Kong was handed over from British to Chinese rule on July 1st, 1997. This marked the end of 156 years of British colonial administration, and Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of China.

6. Croatia joined the European Union on July 1st, 2013, becoming its 28th member state. This marked an important step in Croatia's integration into the European community.

7. Ghana gained independence from British colonial rule on July 1st, 1960. It became the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve independence, inspiring other nations in the region.

8. The Battle of Gettysburg began during the American Civil War in 1863. This three-day battle in Pennsylvania was a turning point and which atlast led to a Union victory.

9. In 1898, The Battle of San Juan Hill took place during the Spanish-American War in 1898. This battle, fought in Cuba, saw American forces, including the Rough Riders led by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, achieve a significant victory.

10. The Warsaw Pact 1991- a defense treaty between 8 communist countries, is formally disbanded in Prague:

The pact was founded in 1955, during the height of the Cold War, as a way to counterbalance the power of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Western Europe.

11. 1979 The Walkman makes its appearance in stores for the first time:

The portable audio cassette player was made by Sony and went on sale in Japaand latter throughout the world.

12. Births On This Day, July 1:

a)  1971 Missy Elliott: American rapper, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress

b) 1967 Pamela Anderson: Canadian/American model, actress, producer, author, activist

c) 1961 Diana, Princess of Wales

d) 1949 John Farnham: English/Australian singer-songwriter, musician

e) 1934 Sydney Pollack: American director

12. Deaths On This Day, July 1

a) 2006 Fred Trueman:English cricketer

b) 2004 Marlon Brando: American actor

c) 1974 Juan Perón: Argentine military officer, politician, 29th President of Argentina

d) 1964 Pierre Monteux:French conductor

e) 1925 Erik Satie:French pianist, composer

13. International Joke Day - July 1

International Joke Day is celebrated on July 1st each year as a lighthearted observance dedicated to laughter and humor. The day encourages people to share jokes, engage in playful banter, and embrace the joy of laughter.

On International Joke Day, individuals, families, and communities celebrate by telling jokes, sharing funny stories, and engaging in humorous activities. It is a time to lighten the mood, bring smiles to people's faces, and create a positive atmosphere through humor.

14. 1 July 2013 – Neptune’s moon S/2004N1 was discovered in 2013.

15. 1 July 1990 – The end of the borderline between East and West Germany and the currency of West Germany was recognized in East Germany.

16. 1 July 1878 – Canada joined the Universal Postal Union on this day.All those who celebrate Canada as their home and native land celebrate Canada Day on July 1st. The day commemorates the anniversary of the Constitution Act, which consolidated three territories into the single nation of Canada,  way back in 1867. 

Until 1982, Canada celebrated Dominion Day as their national holiday. The day was then renamed ‘Canada Day.’ The history of Canada isn’t splattered with a ton of wars and bloodshed, unlike many other countries. Throughout the mid-1800s, the possibility of unification between the British North American colonies was discussed. On July 1, 1867, the British Parliament brought the British North America Act into effect, leading to the creation of independent Canada. The territories within the dominion consisted of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Through this act, Canada was divided into Quebec and Ontario, allowing provisions for neighboring colonies to join in the future. This is how present-day Canada came into formation. The British North America Act served as the constitution for Canada until 1982. 

Dominion Day was established in 1879 but wasn’t celebrated by many Canadians, as they still identified themselves as British citizens. This changed on the 50th anniversary of the confederation in 1917, when Dominion Day started becoming more popular. A bill was forwarded in 1946 to rename Dominion Day, but the passing of the bill was stalled due to disagreement in the House of Commons over what the new name should be. 

In 1967, on the 100th anniversary of the nation’s creation, there was an increasing interest in Canadian patriotism, and celebrations really took off. Even before it became official, citizens would refer to the holiday as Canada Day, and the name was finally adopted in 1982.

Thursday, July 6, 2023



1. In 1914, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, was arrested for the first time, while agitating for the rights of Indians in South Africa.

2. In 1947, The members of the Boundary Commission for the partition of Bengal and Punjab were announced after the partition of India.

3. In 2008, Ravikant, Uma Shankar Chaudhary and Vimal Chandra Pandey were jointly conferred with the Navlakhan Award of Jnanpith in 2008.

4. In 2008, Indian journalist Anisuddin Aziz was awarded the New Business of the Year Award of International Association of Book Keepers (IAB).

5. In 1903, Indian politician and member of Lok Sabha Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava was born.

6. Indian litterateur Nagarjuna was born 1911.

7. In 1934, India's famous scientist C.N. R. Rao was born.

8. Death Anniversasry of Dada Bhai Naoroji:

In 1917, India's famous veteran politician, industrialist, educationist and thinker Dada Bhai Naoroji died.Dadabhai Naoroji, great Indian, patriot and one of the founders of Indian National Congress, politicians and businessmen, died at the age of 92. Dadabhai Naoroji is known as India's Grand Old Man, he was a full intellectual, teacher, cotton. Businessman, and an early Indian political and social leader. He was a member of the Parliament (MP) at the United Kingdom House of Commons between 1892 and 1895, and was the first Asian to become a British MP.

9. C.N. R. Rao's Birthday-1934

Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao, commonly known as C.N.R. Rao, is an eminent Indian scientist and a pioneer in the field of solid-state and materials chemistry. He was born on June 30, 1934, in Bangalore, India. Rao's contributions to the scientific community, both in terms of research and leadership, have earned him international recognition and numerous accolades.

10. Maharaja Gulab Singh's Death Anniversary-1857:

Maharaja Gulab Singh, born on October 17, 1792, and died on June 30, 1857, was a prominent ruler in the 19th century who played a significant role in the history of Jammu and Kashmir, a region located in present-day India and Pakistan.

Gulab Singh belonged to the Dogra dynasty and was born into a noble family in the town of Jammu. He began his military career in the service of the Sikh Empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Due to his military skills and administrative abilities, Gulab Singh rose through the ranks and eventually became the governor of Jammu.

11. Dadabhai Naoroji Death Anniversary-1917:

Dadabhai Naoroji also known as the "Grand Old Man of India" and "Unofficial Ambassador of India", was an Indian political leader, merchant, scholar and writer who served as 2nd, 9th, and 22nd President of the Indian National Congress.

12. In 1965, The ceasefire was agreed between India and Pakistan under the aegis of the United Nations, who signed the treaty to stop the war in the battle of Kutch. The United States and the Soviet Union used important diplomatic means to prevent any further growth in the conflict between two South Asian countries. The Soviet Union led by Premier Alexi Koshyin hosted a ceasefire talks in Tashkent (now in Uzbekistan), where Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistani President Ayub Khan signed the Tashkent Agreement. 

13. Famous journalist and litterateur Makhanlal Chaturvedi passed away-1968:

Pandit Makhanlal Chaturvedi, also known as Panditji, was an Indian poet, writer, essayist, playwright and a journalist who especially in India's national struggle for freedom and his participation in the national struggle of India and the neo-romantism movement of Hindi literature in Chhawad Remember for contribution. In 1955, he was awarded the first Sahitya Akademi Award in Hindi for Tarini for his work.

14. Mizoram became the state of India-1986:

Mizoram is one of the states of North Eastern India, which is in the form of Aizol, the capital. The name is derived from Mi (people), ZO (relationship with the people of Mizoram / Lushai Hills) and Ram (land), and thus Mizoram means "the land of the hill".

15. On this date in 2000, The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council adopts a resolution for separation from Jammu and Kashmir. The Council was formed under the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council Act 1995, after the demand to make Leh district a new Indian union territory due to religious and cultural differences with the rest of Jammu and Kashmir.

16. The Santhal Rebellion-1855:

The Santhal rebellion also called the Santhal Hool was started against the British colonial authority and zamindari system. The Santhal Revolt took place in 1855-56. Santhals are a tribal group concentrated in the state of Jharkhand.


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